Tournament Details: 23-03-004366

Tournament Name
Tournament Name
  1. Battle Factory - Super Games - Scarlet & Violet Prerelease
  2. 23-03-004366
  3. TCG: Limited
  4. March 19, 2023
  5. 12:00PM to 12:00PM
  6. Trading Card Game
  7. (2023) Scarlet & Violet Prerelease
  8. Battle Factory - SuperGames
  9. Sanctioned
Organizer Information
Organizer Information
  1. Tymon Martindale
  2. 7705184888
  3. Contact this organizer
Location information
Location information
  2. 13093 GA-9
  4. Georgia
  5. 30004
  6. United States
Other Information
Other Information
  1. $35
  2. This is an early-access Prerelease Tournament where players have the opportunity to acquire and play with the cards from the newest Pokemon TCG Set before the set is released in stores and receive limited production promo cards! All players will receive an official Pokemon Prerelease Kit. The kit features cards from the new set including 4 new Booster Packs and a 40 card starter deck (1 card of which is 1 of the 4 Prerelease Promotional Cards!). You may purchase your Prerelease ticket ahead of time or on the day of the event (cash or credit card). The event start time represents the start of Registration which will last for at least 45 minutes but no more than an hour. When Registration is complete there will be announcements, then the handing out of Prerelease Kits to the registered players which is the official start of deck building. When the Tournament Organizer calls the build start, everyone will have at least 20 minutes to build a deck using ONLY the cards from the Prerelease Kit they were just given (no other cards allowed) with the addition of as many additional basic energy (loaned by the Tournament Organizer) as your deck requires. After the decks are built, players will play 3 Rounds with their new decks. Each round will be a "Best of 1 Game" with a 20 minute time limit and 4 Prize Cards. Every player who plays all 3 rounds will receive an additional 3 Booster Packs of the new set after the end of the event. Players who drop from the event will not receive the additional booster pack bonus. A Prerelease is about everyone getting to enjoy playing the new cards so please show good sportsmanship and do not just drop or "give the win" to the opponent (it is only 3 rounds, enjoy them!). This store will hold the official Prerelease on March 19th with registration starting at noon. Entry fee for this Prerelease is $35 (cash or credit - pay at the counter for your ticket). We may hold additional Prereleases if there are leftover kits. Watch for announcements. See you there!!!

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